Monday, November 11, 2013

What Patriotism Means To Me

What Patriotism Means To Me Patriotism is a person or group who defends our sylvan, knowing that they might die. Patriotism, to me, is people in the Army, Navy, Marines, cuss Guard, and several other branches of the military that fight for our immunity, our right to vowelise freely, use press, and deadly force if someone tries to harm or kill us, and so we can try to live the lives we drive to. The very sound of the word patriotism, it brings to my heart loyalty and pride. I get loyalty for my country and its ideals, and I whole tone pride for those before me who fought and sacrificed much for the freedom on our come along country. I love and honor my country. I feel a serve of duty to this country that has been my home since birth. As I turn the pages of our countrys history, those who have spoken kayo and fought against those who have jeopardise our countrys security and ideals scoff me. Our forefathers had dreams of a nation with emancipation and justice for all. They gave all they had, either ounce of strength, to make that dream a reality. They waged was against one of the abutting powerful empires of the time so that they could remain true to their ideals. Patrick total heat is one of the examples of patriotism in that time. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
His bold, fiery words, Give me self-sufficiency or give me death, stir feelings of pride and selection within me. I am proud to live in a country with such a glorious heritage. As I hear those words, I am filled with courageousness to stand up for my beloved country and its ideals. General Dewight David Eisenhower had fair to middlin g courage to go to Europe and lead the Allie! d legions against those that threatened world security. He was ordain to sacrifice his lifespan for the freedom of the world. To me, patriotism is not only fighting for the freedom of our country but also for the freedom of mankind. Martin Luther King jr. was willing to lead a movement against requisition in our nation. He had the courage to tell our nation that its policy of segregation was wrong. To...If you indigence to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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