Saturday, November 9, 2013


Isaac Velasquez Mr. Hawkins English CP2 5/14/12 Antigones cause of death or killers The story of Antigone is one of a sister who suicides herself later on existence punished for breaking a unjust lawfulness. at that place ar many questions of whose wrongdoing it is that Antigone ended her life? nonwithstanding the fault is non only one person it depends on many. Antigones death depended on many factors, but mostly by the actions or inactions committed by Ismene, Creon, and Antigone herself. Ismenes inaction to belie to the situation she is put through by her sister contributed to Antigones death. For example as Ismene and Antigone argue over whether or not to break the law to bury her brother Ismene admits, Antigone, I am so afraid for you. This shows how her fear of the government and towards Antigones actions and how lost(p) she is in the situation. If not for this fear she may save been present to change Antigones mind or help her at best. Ismene also sta tes at the end of the argument, Go then, if you feel that you must. You are unwise, But a loyal friend indeed to those who crash the sack you. This shows how she just let Antigone go with off lots of a employment because she feels she cannot change Antigones mind, because of this action of let Antigone go and not stopping her even by twinge caused Antigone to go towards her testify death. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
If Ismene changed her actions she may admit prevented Antigone from causing her consume death. Creons sense datum of insecurity of his force play could have caused him to commit the actions that led to Antigones death. As s aid by Creon after hearing of person buryin! g the body which is against his law he analyzes that, No, from the very descent there have been those who have whispered together, Stiff-necked anarchist, putt their heads together scheming against me in alleys. This financial statement reveals how Creon being so insecure of his own power from being attacked on may cause future actions that he might commit out of fear and pride. Another statement that reveals more insight on...If you fate to get a skillful essay, order it on our website:

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